OTP Bank: 34 years together with clients and partners

OTP Bank: 34 years together with clients and partners


Message from Bogdan Spuză, President of the Executive Committee, CEO

Dear customers and partners,
Today we mark 34 years since the foundation of the bank. The anniversary represents the energy of youth and the experience of a long professional career. We take this opportunity to reflect on how well we demonstrate both qualities for your benefit.
Customer care and continuous development remain at the heart of our concerns, demonstrated by achievements in process simplification, digital development and product customization.

Innovation in the foreground
Recent improvements to digital services, including faster payments and simplified loan approvals, have made our offers more accessible and attractive to customers.

Supporting sustainable growth
Together with financial and development partners, we contribute to a resilient economy. We continuously invest in projects that create jobs and drive growth. We implement and promote ESG standards and are actively engaged in green transformation, most recently by facilitating financing for projects with renewable resources.

Beyond business
Our commitment to community well-being is comprehensive and translates into initiatives for women in business, young entrepreneurs, sustainability, culture, sports and financial education.

The effort made in the above-mentioned areas continues to be rewarded by the trust of our clients and partners – OTP Bank remains of systemic importance in the country and enjoys recognition from institutions such as Euromoney and Global Banking and Finance Review. Clients' trust remains an occasion for celebration, but it is also a call to continue our work with the dedication and professionalism for which we are known..


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