Contest: Embrace a #FabulousDragobete

Contest: Embrace a #FabulousDragobete


No matter how beautiful the winter is, no matter how much we enjoy its snows, cold days make us long for everything that means love: light, warmth, surprises, gifts....

To allay this longing, we set out to bring what "Love is..." onto your social media feeds, that is into hearts and minds. We anticipate the lifting of spirits and arms, and an exponential increase in the number of beautiful declarations and hugs. In short, a #FabulousDragobete. We invite you to contribute to this spring of the soul, starting on February 13:

1. Like the contest post on Facebook or Instagram.
2. Complete in the comments the famous phrase "Love is..."
3. Tag a loved one.

For your involvement, you have the chance to win not only universal approval but also unlimited hugs with your significant other thanks to the "Cozy evening" set:

  • Two personalized sweatshirts with the contest's winning phrase (or another positive creation on the same theme).
  • Chocolate, selected tea and cute mugs for cozy evenings.

For more details, see the competition rules.

PS: If you are looking for inspiration, several OTP Bank employees venture their suggestions below:

"Love is... the care shown through little things done for each other."
- Irina B, Marketing

"Love is... when she tells you she doesn’t want snacks, but you get her some anyway."
- Liviu, Internal Communication

"Love is... a powerful engine that fuels creativity."
- Magda, Design

"Love is... when he knows which is the "Restart" button to press when an "Error" in the relationship appears."
- Diana, IT

"Love is... when he irons his suit alone and doesn't forget to bring you coffee in bed."
- Raia, Cleaning services

"Love is... when you know your partner better than yourself."
- Irina C, Marketing

"Love is.. laughing out loud at small and big things."
- Iana, Public Relations

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